Sunday, September 13, 2009

Food Politics

This week's reading and selected resources have reignited the flame under my agribusiness burner. I'm really grateful to have chosen a class with readings that force us to consider the major issues associated with how, from where, when, and what kinds of foods are available to us. The big question in my mind right now is "Why do we as a democratic society allow agricultural businesses to determine what we eat, and why do we stand by as the FDA determines what is safe based on the financial support they receive from the agri-industry?"

I have a degree in Political Science, and have wondered often about how I will combine that knowledge store with my current education in holistic health. I think I figured out at least part of it. Petitioning grocery stores to provide its customers with more information is a task I am setting before myself. I am particularly disturbed by the fact that although federal law mandates grocery stores inform shoppers about waxes, pesticides, and resins applied to produce after harvest, most are not in compliance. My goal is to address this issue with as many grocery stores in the area as possible ( I have never once seen an indicator of this process, but I never knew it was an illegal practice), and if they do not agree to adjust their policy, generate customer petitions. Ideally I would like to take this a step further and work towards getting grocery stores to provide information about pesticides and irradiation to customers just for the sake of their safety. Ignorance is not bliss when it causes cancer.

Previously I was unaware of the use of waxes to maintain produce hydration, but I feel I will definitely need to soak things in soapy water before using them. Even though I buy organic produce, I'm not fooled by the USDA's Organic Logo, because I know Certified Organic just means farmers have fewer options for the amounts and types of chemicals they can use, but they are still allowed to use chemical herbicides and pesticides in growing ORGANIC.

I plan to find a creative way to inform people about food safety, because it is ignored by pretty much everyone I know. A lot of individuals are subconsciously aware of the fact that preservatives, food colorings, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners are not 'good' for them, but so many ignore it. There must be a way to bring it to the top of people's minds. I'm looking forward to watching both Food Inc, and The Future of Food this week, as I think these videos might be the tools I'm looking for.

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